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Blaufränkisch dry

Blaufränkisch dry

Regular price CHF 16.50
Regular price Sale price CHF 16.50
Unit price CHF 22.00  per  l
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Blaufränkisch, that is pure Austrian red wine! It has been cultivated on Lake Neusiedl for many centuries. The legendary Emperor Charlemagne (742-814) is said to have loved the wine - he would certainly have liked a nice sip of our classic dry Blaufränkisch. Because in this wine the young, fresh fruit clearly leads the way. In terms of color, it knows how to attract attention with its elegant, medium ruby ​​red, and it doesn't skimp on its charms when it comes to scent either. There are aromas of just-harvested wild berries, refined with a hint of black pepper and a touch of real Madagascar vanilla. The welcome balance of Blaufränkisch and the subtle spicy note in the aftertaste also make it an excellent accompaniment to food.
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